The holistic approach is very important in the assessing and planning of care and support because the implementing and planning focuses on a specific problem area and takes in consideration all aspects that can affect an individual. These aspects are best broken down as: social; environmental; physical; psychological and spiritual.
It is a good practice to acknowledge, support and respect any significant contribution made by an individual, irrespective of how small it may seem. I would further support individuals by describing how the documents are used, the care plans assessment forms which are user friendly (they are easy to read) and any picture symbols that helps their understanding. It is important to identify and record abilities as well as more obvious needs, in order to assist the individual to develop a fully supportive and effective care plan. All assessment must take into account the cultural, religious and other beliefs systems of the individual.
2. Be able to facilitate person-centred assessment.
Establishing care with the individual, detailing the assessment process in a partnership approaching, others may include carers friends, relatives, professionals and others which are important to the individual wellbeing.
A care plan may also be known by other names, such as a support, individual plan or care delivery a true document where day to day requirements and preferences for the individual care.
The assessment process, when being carried out, is best explained to the individual to let them know what is about to be carried out and how. The objective data, this is obtained from the individual by way of a physical examination. Subjective data, this comes from the testimony of the patient regarding health and history and body review.
Physical assessment requires systematic procedures, which is best explained in simple terms.
The individual is likely