There are three types of attachment styles: secure attachment, avoidant attachment, and anxious attachment. Anxious and avoidant attachment styles carried into adult romantic relationships are the outcome of; the sense of one's value and self-worth; childhood traumas; and the emotional response received during childhood from our parents. What seems to us as unexplainable doubt in a relationship has to reason with why we feel disconnected from our partner. From childhood into the adult world we shape ourselves and who we are hoping to become throughout our lives. Mental health is important in regards to living a fulfilling and happy life and attachment is an emotional response to our basic needs for bonding with others. How we perceive and view ourselves gives us reason to meet new people, furthermore to grow and develop as individuals. But how does self-esteem …show more content…
For example, anxious attachment styles can derive from a caregiver who abandons a child alone at home for unknown periods of time, leaving the dependent feeling alone and anxious to have the caregiver return. This would lower the dependents trust for this individual and aids them in losing their expectations of being protected by other people suggests Atilgan Erozkan, author of The Link Between Types of Attachment and Childhood Trauma. These individuals are left feeling anxious because they would not know what to expect and the inconsistency lead them to feel unsure and clingy. Thus, during romantic relationships when we feel uncertain about your partner's emotions we tend to blow up their phone or become obsessively interested and clingy. People who use the anxious attachment style tend to look at themselves as the lesser option or not good enough for their partner. The final type of attachment style is the avoidant attachment. Studies done on parents who are unresponsive, preoccupied or even absent in their dependents life shows that the child becomes avoidant of asking for help or speaking about how they feel. This can also create a loss of confidence towards their beliefs on social justice or put them in a position of looking at themselves as a victim in the future. This dependent believes they are self- sufficient