One of the main foundations of a democracy is the worth of an individual. The main concept of a democracy is the firm belief of the importance of the individual. Each individual is different and unique, no matter his or her position or status is. This is important to democracy because this gives the individual value. With this value a single individual can help build and improve the government system.
In John F. Kennedy’s inauguration speech, he states that “for man hold in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human property and all forms of human life”. What Kennedy means by this is that the power of the individuals of the United States have the power to end poverty. Poverty is one of the most severe issue in the United States and around the world. If what you say is true then it could be implied that the individuals of the United States can change the most severe cases around the world.
Another Foundation of democracy …show more content…
is the idea of equality of all people. This does not mean the equality of all conditions for all people, since one is not born with the same mental or physical qualities of another. Rather, the equality of all people mean two different things: equal opportunity and equality before the law. Equal opportunity means that an individual has the same opportunities has another, whether that may be a job, reporting misconduct, or filing tax returns. Equality before the law means that no person can be targeted by the law without means of motive. Both of these attributes are meant to prevent inequality between races, color, religion, or gender. This is done to protect the people of a democracy.
In Kennedy’s inauguration speech, he states that,”In your hands, my fellow citizens, more than in mine, will rest the final success or failure of our course.” What he means by this is that the opportunities we take could help us stride as a country or destroy the country. If the American people were to fulfill there responsibilities, the nation could grow and advance. Everyone in a democracy has the power to fulfill the opportunities given to them. Equality before the law protects the people from limiting there opportunities.
An important foundation of democracy is the idea of majority rule, minority rights. This idea means that even when there is a popular vote or idea, the minority vote or idea is still heard. If a democracy was to only go by the majority rule, it would obliterate the opposing side. By doing this, it could destroy the idea of democracy. That is why it is important to have minority rights; to keep the majority in check and stable.
In Kennedy’s inauguration speech he states that “Let both sides seek to invoke wonders of science instead of its terrors. Together let us explore the stars, conquer the deserts, you medicate disease, tap the ocean depths, and encourage the Arts and Commerce.” When he states “Let’s both”, Kennedy establishes a connection between the majority and the minority. Through his quote, he attempts to reinforce the foundation of democracy. But working together the majority rule can be kept in check by the minority, coexisting as one.
The necessity of compromise plays a very important role in the foundation of democracy.
In short, a compromise is to come to a mutual agreement with some ideas on both sides. Compromise settle arguments and disagreements with beneficial outcomes on both sides. Without compromise, one side of an argument would be silenced and would throw democracy off balance. If an argument was silenced then it could be suggested that the equality of an individual was violated.
Kennedy states in the speech, “so let us begin anew -- remembering on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness, and security is always subject to proof. Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate.” What Kennedy means to say is to never be close-minded and to negotiate with an opposing side. We cannot fear of the idea of being oppressed. We also must never fear to of the consequences that may lead from the negotiation. To compromise is to come to a mutual agreement with both sides benefitting from the
One of the most important parts of a democracy is the instance upon individual freedom. A democracy can only work and thrive if the people have individual freedom. Even though absolute freedom would cause anarchy, a balance must be made to protect the rules regulating a government and the individual freedom of the people. If the government is weak to enforce rules, then the government would crumble along with the people. If the people’s individual freedom is revoked, then it can no longer be considered a democracy.
When Kennedy states, “ to those new States who we welcome to the ranks of the free, we pledge our word that one form of colonial control shall not have passed away merely to be replaced by a far greater iron tyranny”, Kennedy means that the people will still have individual freedom even through the times of changing governments. To the new states that join the union, the union will not attempt to control the people. The government will not change in order to have complete sovereignty over the people. The state that has joined the union will be as free as the people in it.