
John Hobbes: The First Absolute Monarchy Of Europe

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John Hobbes: The First Absolute Monarchy Of Europe
After years of governmental mistreatment and horrid working conditions, civilians all across Europe longed for a better life. Prior to the year of 1685, the year Europe was enlightened, life on earth was only about making it through the day; it was dreary, boring, and hopeless, with little to live for (Proquest 2015). Due to this misfortune, most people turned to religion, clinging to their customary beliefs and attempting to satisfy their leaders, hoping their loyal behavior will take them to a peaceful afterlife. With this goal constantly whirling in their minds, Europeans had concluded that any chances they had of improving life were quickly diminishing. Instead of brooding in sorrow, clever people had blossoming ideas of a superior life, …show more content…
After years of thinking, working, and hoping, Europe reached a peak, the Enlightenment. Absolute monarchs, leaders who possess total governmental power, were entirely responsible for its nation’s people during the time of the Enlightenment. This form of government was introduced by John Hobbes, a firm believer in controlled governing (Esler, 2007). This change in government was extremely crucial for Europeans and their journey to become enlightened. Absolute monarchs brought alignment to Europe by instructing strict law. Philip II is considered to be the first absolute monarch of Europe. Unlike past rulers, hardworking Philip II lived a simple life. He respected his people, showed devotion to his job, and was determined to help his colonies succeed. Philip II was so dominant, that he largely advanced Spanish influence on other nations and ended up transforming Spain into the most powerful place in Europe for about 100 years. Philip II was unique because he believed he had the direct God-approved privilege to rule, the divine right (Esler, 2007). Because of this, he later advanced the church’s power and unified religions, in an attempt to …show more content…
During this time period, philosophers, scientists, and thinkers became a few of the firsts to truly discover that their nations were in trouble. Although everyone knew the chaos was getting to be uncontrollable, most did not know where to start, or how to even attempt to solve the problem. People practiced and studied human behavior and scientific philosophies so they could understand what the central issue was, and how they could reach enlightenment. Interested thinkers began to believe in natural law, which were rules discoverable by reason. The concept of natural law quickly arose in every part of Europe. John Locke, an optimist and extremely essential character during the Scientific Revolution, disliked absolute monarchy and wanted a government with limited power. He had an idea that if civilians felt the government was cheating them, they could overthrow it. This change in power was called the Glorious Revolution. This revolution spread all across Europe and Latin America, improving government even more. He, additionally, was an advocate for basic human benefits. He believed people had natural rights, privileges that all humans deserve. These rights mainly consisted of the right to have “life, liberty, and estate”. Locke’s ideas were vital during the Scientific Revolution and are a perfect example of how this revolution refined life

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