Reflective Journal
[Document subtitle]
John Isichei
Diploma to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector9410077300
Reflective Journal
[Document subtitle]
John Isichei
Diploma to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector
TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u What is inclusive Practice? PAGEREF _Toc389129703 \h 1Brief Description PAGEREF _Toc389129704 \h 1What went well? PAGEREF _Toc389129705 \h 1Why? PAGEREF _Toc389129706 \h 2Even better if... PAGEREF _Toc389129707 \h 2Why? PAGEREF _Toc389129708 \h 2What the theory has to say. PAGEREF _Toc389129709 \h 3My own Conclusions. PAGEREF _Toc389129710 \h 3
What is inclusive Practice?Brief DescriptionThe first activity, we were paired in groups of four and asked the following questions in …show more content…
What is inclusive practice?
What is Integration?
Is what the learner does more important than what the teacher does?
The next activity was done after viewing DVD learning for living, which is a series of various learners with different learning issues. We were again placed in group of fours and asked to discuss a particular learner. The task involved is to and present to the DTTLS class. We were given the learner Diane, She has a visual disability. I observed in the video that, the zoom accessibility function is set on the computer behind her. Our group came up with the following results for their activity
What went well?From the various definitions that were given during the first activity. We had a discussion on, what is inclusive practice? We then came to the conclusion that it means:- Trying to meet the needs of all your learners who may be different but still need to learn regardless of their Disability, learning styles, race, religion, age and sexual orientation. The next question that was discussed was what is integration? Our definition of this is that, it is the process were those with differentiation needs come together in a main stream learning environment. We then went onto the final question for this activity which was, is what the learner does more important than what the teacher does? We all agreed that the learner is more important than the teacher and to facilitate better learning. The teacher has to assume the role of a facilitator.
On the DVD activity we arrived at the following conclusions
Identify needs.
Through initial assessments
Support needs-sensory team
Identify what equipment/measures she needs eg readers
Adapt practice
Based on the report
Use resources i.e. gold paper for hand-outs, bigger fonts and special reader to magnify fonts
Class layout i.e. no direct sunlight and can sit in front of the class
To Support
Because of her visual impairment, do the following
One to one discussion/talk with learner concerning learner needs
Be aware of tone due to heighten senses
Monitor how the learner react
Get and give feedback
Why?Inclusive practice is the way to go for effective learning. Differentiation takes a look at the learning styles and learning barriers and tries to match the learning activity to the learner. The teacher then has to consider this in his session plans and adopt it to fit all learning needs.
Integration is a new and improved way that learning wants to take. This form of learning means that all learning needs will be considered by the teacher, who needs to facilitate the various learning needs of each learner to suit the learner. This will only serve to encourage the learners, knowing that the teacher is conscious of their learners needs.
The teacher needs to do much less than the learner, rather than have a long boring lecture, the teacher needs to employ learner centred activities that, aide and encourage the learner more. This may also include peer to peer learning activities and group led activities.
The DVD showed that it is important to recognise the needs of each learner, so as to be able to identify their needs, then adapt your resources, lesson plans, assessments etc., to meet these needs. In the case of Diane, the group agreed that there is a need to get support staff involved because the expertise needed to adapt practice may be lacking by the teacher. The group also agreed that, getting feedback from Diane was very important as that would make evaluation and implementation of future learning activities easier.
Even better if...For my lessons to be more inclusive, in my session plans, I have considered some of my learners and I made some adjustments to my Assessments and lesson plans. I took a look at their group profiles and I carried out some scaffolding activities, made videos and made some changes to my session plan to meet the needs of my learners.
Why?My lessons will then become more integrated and most or all of my learners will be able to achieve the teaching aims, rather than have only a few. This will then make my inclusive practice more at the forefront of my teaching experience, rather than in the background.
What the theory has to say.The oxford dictionary ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"AhwoOetV","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Stevenson, 2010)","plainCitation":"(Stevenson, 2010)"},"citationItems":[{"id":458,"uris":[""],"uri":[""],"itemData":{"id":458,"type":"book","title":"Oxford dictionary of English","publisher":"Oxford University Press","publisher-place":"New York, NY","source":"Open WorldCat","event-place":"New York, NY","URL":"","ISBN":"9780191727665 0191727660","language":"English","author":[{"family":"Stevenson","given":"Angus"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2010"]]},"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2014",5,5]]}}}],"schema":""} (Stevenson, 2010) defines integration as the combination of different parts merged together as one.
This definition in the learning context will be a situation such that different learners have been combined into one system. Differentiated learning has now become the norm as there is a high response to this trend, the article of ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"hx07YUU7","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Berry, 2006, p. 490)","plainCitation":"(Berry, 2006, p. …show more content…
490)"},"citationItems":[{"id":450,"uris":[""],"uri":[""],"itemData":{"id":450,"type":"article-journal","title":"Inclusion, Power, and Community: Teachers and Students Interpret the Language of Community in an Inclusion Classroom","container-title":"American Educational Research Journal","page":"489-529","volume":"43","issue":"3","source":"JSTOR","abstract":"To illuminate the processes of creating learning communities, this study investigated the social context of an inclusion classroom by examining (a) how teachers established a community ethos, (b) how students responded with regard to the positioning of students with disabilities, and (c) how macro discourses possibly shaped interactional processes. Teachers used discourse and participation frameworks in whole-class lessons to encourage participation and collective responsibility for \"helping. \" Nevertheless, the teachers ' inclusive language was manipulated to harass and exclude in small-group contexts. Benhabib 's conceptions of ' 'general\" and \"concrete\" selves and Cornelius and Herrenkohl 's aspects of classroom power-assigning ownership, creating alliances, engaging in persuasion-frame a discussion of contexts of inclusion and exclusion.","ISSN":"0002-8312","shortTitle":"Inclusion, Power, and Community","journalAbbreviation":"American Educational Research Journal","author":[{"family":"Berry","given":"Ruth A. Wiebe"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2006",10,1]]},"accessed":{"date-parts":[["2014",5,4]]}},"locator":"490","label":"page"}],"schema":""} (Berry, 2006, p. 490) agrees with this notion and goes on to define inclusion as “100% placement in age-appropriate general education classes”. The book of ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"8Q2W9JQQ","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Duckworth, 2013, p. 47)","plainCitation":"(Duckworth, 2013, p. 47)"},"citationItems":[{"id":511,"uris":[""],"uri":[""],"itemData":{"id":511,"type":"book","title":"How to be a brilliant FE teacher: a practical guide to being effective and innovative","publisher":"Routledge","publisher-place":"New York","source":"Library of Congress ISBN","event-place":"New York","ISBN":"9780415519014","call-number":"LC5256.G7 D83 2013","shortTitle":"How to be a brilliant FE teacher","author":[{"family":"Duckworth","given":"Vicky"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2013"]]}},"locator":"47","label":"page"}],"schema":""} (Duckworth, 2013, p. 47) highlighted the importance of embedding in your planning and resources some form of equality and diversity and this “needs to be a priority”. Doing this, only serves to make the classroom more learner friendly and not isolating.
My own Conclusions.The lecture is the first of a two part series on inclusive practice.
I had a prior knowledge that teaching standards are changing and Ofsted is basing their teaching observations by looking at mostly, the resulting outcome from the learner perspective and less of the teachers. Prior to the lecture I had a perceived ideology that, maybe on looking back needs to change. Inclusive practice being something that has to be considered in all of my teaching. I have even thought about my own learning styles and also adapted my environment to fit into the style that is most comfortable for me to learn. This in itself gives me an insight to how frustrating it will feel if these learning inducing resources are not in place.
ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"custom":[]} CSL_BIBLIOGRAPHY Berry, R. A. W. (2006) ‘Inclusion, Power, and Community: Teachers and Students Interpret the Language of Community in an Inclusion Classroom’, American Educational Research Journal, 43(3), pp. 489–529.
Duckworth, V. (2013) How to be a brilliant FE teacher: a practical guide to being effective and innovative. New York: Routledge.
Stevenson, A. (2010) Oxford dictionary of English. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Available at: (Accessed: 5 May