The first reason John Locke would have been ashamed of life on the island is the right to life was violated. When Piggy and Ralph go to retrieve piggy’s glasses one of the kids drop a boulder …show more content…
When the kids joined Jack, he gave them food and safety from the beast(Lord of the Flies). John Locke said life right are when people are free from threats to their safety(Williams). Jack provided safety and food for the kids, so the kids prerogative was not invaded.
Jack had no right to start a revolution against Ralph because Ralph did everything for the kids. Ralph had everyone do a job they would like and provided them with food and safety(Lord of the Flies). Life, liberty, and property rights are the basic right if not provided the people are allowed to revolutionize(Williams). Ralph gave the kids all they needed and strived for rescue so they had no right to revolution.
Jack may have provided food and safety for the kids, but they had no word or right to be free. When Piggy had ideas for the group Ralph was listening, but Jack kept interrupting him and stopping him from making decisions(Lord of the Flies). Liberty rights are when someone is free to make their own decisions according to John Locke(Williams). Jack was being a dictator and will not give people a chance to make decisions and John Locke was not about