In the beginning of the story titled “The Outcasts of Poker Flat”, readers find that the main character, John Oakhurst is not as simplistic as he seems, he is rather a complex individual that ultimately reflects realism because of how readers can relate to his life. As we go through all of the unfortunate events Mr. Oakhurst endures, we reveal his true feelings and thoughts. He is a complicated individual who feels he is never good enough for anyone. He lets his gambling label define him and in the end his fate is determined by the towns judgement and most importantly his own. As a reader we automatically judge him before getting to know him. Readers can relate to some of John’s feelings such as emptiness, remorse, …show more content…
He helps the alcoholic when she is drunk, is there for the prostitute when she is feeling guilty, and overall looks out for the safety of them all. Despite his career as a gambler, he is an honest and fair man. He does everything he can to protect the people he is with. When Tom and Piney join the group, he takes them in and cares for them as well. It is when a snow storm hits and he sends Tom a couple days late before he starts to realize perhaps if he had sent Tom a day or two earlier, they all might have lived. He begins to think it could all be his fault. He watches his companions die a slow death and then kills himself. It is inherently human to share the same thoughts and feelings of John Oakhurst. As readers, we become sympathetic towards characters who feel that way. He is intelligent, but too cautious, shrewd but fair, a good leader, but a failed leader, strong but weak. He is called called both the strongest and the weakest characters in the “The Outcasts of Poker Flat”. What really raises the question is why he gave up in the end and killed himself rather than save