The first important characteristic of a leader is the ability to successfully guide others in their leadership skills. John C. Maxwell stated it quite clearly: “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” This 2015-2016 school year, my friend and I decided to start an …show more content…
One kind of change do you wish to make on this earth? How many lives do you aspire to influence? I believe that a leader is someone who inspires others to be another leader, to make another change, to make another aspiration to influence the lives of others. I hope today that after learning about the three paramount characteristics of being a leaders (guiding, setting an example, and letting others lead) that you have realized that as long as a leader embodies these three characteristics, they can inspire every individual they meet. However, the main questions still stands: How can an individual develop these qualities? Essentially, an individual can develop these qualities by realizing that he is not living life solely for his success, but also for the success of others. As long as an individual realizes that he is on this earth for the purpose of serving others, he can definitely find the strength to develop these leadership