This past Sunday, I was in Elders quorum and I discovered that my stake was having an event for everyone to attend the temple on a Tuesday night. As I heard the announcement, I remembered from my weekly planning that I had many school assignments and papers that needed to be completed and a midterm to study for. To make preparations, the person that was giving the announcements then asked for a raise of hands of all those that would be able to attend. The choice of attending the temple, which I thought I would postpone until that Tuesday night suddenly became an ethical dilemma for which I had to make a quick decision. Many ideas were rushing through my head such as studying to get good grades or taking some time out of …show more content…
In addition, my personal dilemma can also be examined by using the utilitarian, deontological, and virtue ethics frameworks.
The utilitarian framework originates from John Stuart Mill and can also be known as the consequentialist framework. These frameworks can be identified by these two names because they both focus on the final consequences of a decision as well as maximizing the utility (benefits) to society. When I was placed in an ethical dilemma, the utilitarian framework involved identifying all the stakeholders that would be affected. The difficulty, however, was for me to buying time to put forth a greater effort into doing an in-depth analysis.
When using the Utilitarian framework, I discovered that my decisions can heavily be altered by the amount of in-depth analysis that I use to identify all the stakeholders and possible future outcomes. In the moment of my ethical dilemma, I performed only a surface-level analysis of the Utilitarian framework. The only stakeholder that I considered was myself. I felt convinced that studying and doing homework would provide the most benefit for my future