
Johnny Got His Gun Effects Of War

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Effects of War War: a duty that many honored members of the country must participate in to insure the rest of America's safety. A representation of liberty that is glorified to be a great thing. In reality war is nothing to glorify, it is much too horrific to be made into any sort of good. In the 1965 movie Shenandoah directed by Andrew V McLAglen, paired with the novel Johnny Got His Gun by dalton trumbo, examine the true effects of war, through following two very different settings. Shenandoah follows a large family through the civil war, as they do everything in their power to stay out of the conflict, but still their family members are killed, their land is looted, and they are mentally broken down. As for Johnny got his gun, the …show more content…

War, sends people through severe circumstances which cause them to feel emotions that they haven’t felt before. In shenandoah, the stress level that is put on to each of the characters even from the beginning, would have been non- existence prior to the war. The first evidence of this is when the father Charlie and one of his sons saw the soldiers out on the edge of their property, they were debating whether or not to stop them, but Charlie refused saying not to get involved, with his famous quote ¨Then it doesn't concern us¨ , but when events such as Boy getting kidnapped, or Sam having to go in the war, he follows with the quote of ¨Now it concerns us¨ (Shenandoah). Which infers how when they weren involved in the war, it wasn't their issue, but when it did concern them, the severity of their problems increased along with the stress level. Secondly, the main character Charlie is portrayed as a strong tough role model for his children prior to the war. But near the end of the movie he ends up almost crying when talking to his dead wife at the cemetery and starts to get more emotional than he usually does when talking about his late son and daughter in law. ¨I guess you're not so lonely any more, with Ann and James and Jacob. And maybe the boy. You didn't know Ann, did you? Well, you'd like her. You'd like her, Martha. Why, she and James are so much alike, they're just like... no...¨(Shenandoah) Saying this,breaks him out of his usually perceived tough guy

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