Professor Michael S. Holko
Composition II
11 February, 2014
Joie de Vivre What is the meaning of Joie de vivre? The French to English dictionary states that it is “a cheerful enjoyment of life; an exultation of spirit”. That is what the basic words mean, but what are they actually saying? Society says that money and power are Joie de Vivre. Most religions say that praying to the almighty being is Joie de Vivre. While, constant overbearing advertisement says that lavish luxuries and material things are Joie de Vivre. All our lives we have people trying to tell us what will make us happy and how to really experience life to the fullest. In Lopate’s essay Against Joie de Vivre the narrator is against, and even mocks the people that spend their time engaging in society’s exultation of life. Yet, the joy he receives from looking down at people celebrating is in his own way his Joie de Vivre. The thing is that it is different for every individual. So this is the answer that everyone has to search for in their lives. What is my Joie de Vivre? Unfortunately, in today’s society, this timeless and straight forward question has been morphed into another creature. That being, “what do you want to be when you grow up?” We are constantly asked this question from the very minute that we learn to make coherent sentences. As a toddler, one only knows about a dozen occupations, half of which being princess, power ranger, or superhero most of which are not real options. Later, society pushes the “respectable” occupations into our minds such as doctors, lawyers and judges. Society does such a great job at doing this, that some people do not even realize that these occupations are not their Joie de Vivre until they are already working in these fields. For the longest time, I was also a casualty to this façade, wanting to be a doctor most of my life. Though, to find out how I got to where I am, we have to start at the beginning. Like I