On one side you have the physical life of an infant and on the other you have the mental and emotional life of a mother and her unwanted child. Which side can we, as civil humans, claim as more valuable?” She claims the mother’s life; I claim both. Women have the power to balance the beam by preventing an unwanted pregnancy using contraception methods. Women have the power to prevent hurting their own mental and emotional life while preventing the slaughtering of an unborn child, which is why many anti-abortionist groups fight against …show more content…
women obtaining abortions are teenagers; those aged 15-17 obtain 6% of all abortions, teens aged 18-19 obtain 11%, and teens under age 15 obtain 0.4%. On another bracket women in their twenties account for more than half of all abortions; women aged 20–24 obtain 33% of all abortions, and women aged 25-29 obtain 24%. Lewis believes that sex education is not necessary, as long as there are contraception methods and abortion available in the United States. But according to the statistics above, parents need to educate their young kids about sex and the consequences and hardships they could face, but also teach them to effectively use the contraception methods that are available because in these times, sex is not a taboo anymore, like it was in prior centuries. Schools should also contribute to the education of young kids about sex, and how they can practice safe sex or abstinence instead of just touching base on the topic from a health class perspective because it would help teenagers and young adults realize the responsibility that’s involved with being sexually active, and how they can practice having safer sex. As adults, we cannot prevent or deprive a teenager from having sex; we would have to lock them in a cell or be with them at all times. But we have to admit that sex is part of our nature, and all we can do is inform our teenagers so they can act as they choose with the