" Fate saves the living when they drive away death by themselves" Beowulf
interprets fate in many different contexts, but the central purpose of fate is how
the characters have tried to control or accept fate as is in the situations. Fate
is to some how something was meant to happen before it happened or of the
fascination of joy brought upon someone as if it were always supposed to be
that way. Yet as many ask, is fate real? Is fate how everything happens from the
choices we make, the things we do, and the every day moments around us?
I believe everything is planned as some may call it fate, but I call it the faith in
christianity, the all knowing god who determines the current, my tomorrow, and
my future choices. As fate declares, it what was always meant to be, as how
god knows our every move, our every decison from today to the end of our last
breath. Although we have a choice as to allow something happen, as we can
determine a change in his/her own destiny. As in Beowulf " They have seen
my strength for themselves, have watched me rise from the darkness of war,
dripping with my enemies' blood. I drove five great giants into chains, chased
all of that race from the earth. I swam in the blackness of night, hunting monsters
out of the ocean, and killing them one by one; death was my errand and the fate
they had earned. Now Grendel and I are called together, and I've come." As
how beowulf has proposed that it is his fate to fight and battle grendel, it is
somehow possible that god had prepared him with his many success and his
courage to lead him to this battle.
As how fate elaborates on the idea of how something specific is predetermined
and was always set is likewise the exact as how god has set a plan and a
journey for all us and to fall under greatness, one must walk the path of god. The
road that christains as myself believe is the road that has been set