1 According to Ferry, what recent developments in world trade have made it urgent for France to have colonies? Jules Ferry states that France is in need of outlets to be able to export. He incorporates the fact that they do have major industries such as textile but that they are in urgent need of what he explains as outlets. He goes on by saying that Germany who is their neighbor have set up trade barriers and across the ocean the United States have become protectionist. All these barriers equal to the shrinking of great markets and making it difficult to access. In addition Ferry goes on to explain his concerns about freedom of trade and law of supply and demand and how it is linked to economic complications. Ferry …show more content…
fears that there are many competitors around that have access not just to military improvements, but other aspects such as the growing population. He even goes on to show his concerns about how supply and demand has reached out to the entire world and is not limited to just the European states and that these same states are able to pour into their market products such as their agriculture.
2 What arguments against imperialism have been raised by Ferry's critics? How does he counter them? Ferry’s critics raise the arguments against imperialism and its outcomes.
One point to take into consideration when it comes to a negative outlook of imperialism is the fact that the states need from one another. He argues in numerous occasions that neighboring states are being protectionist and forming trade barriers, which in the long run affects them. This is very much one sided because these neighboring states are able to dip into their market, but are not allowing them any form of help themselves. Ferry goes on to describe how when Spanish soldiers and explorers brought upon slavery into Central America that they did not fulfill their duty as the higher race. He continues by saying that the European nation will basically not incorporate the same aspect of that of the Spanish. The higher man has a duty to the lower man. He believes that the more fortunate individuals have the responsibility or obligation to help those who are less fortunate. He also goes on to say that they needed Tunisia, Saigon, Vietnam and Madagascar places of supply, shelters, ports for defense and provisioning. And as gratitude he goes on to say that they will not leave them due to the fact that they need from one
3What non-economic arguments does Ferry offer in favor of imperialism? Ferry goes on to say that if their choice to remain abstinent in regards to imperialism will certainly reach the inevitable road to Europe’s decline. He even gives the metaphor that a warship however perfect cannot carry more than two weeks supply of coal. He explains it as if sinking from first rank down to second, third, forth, so on and so forth. He goes on to say that nations are only as great as the work they put into them. And in conclusion he states that they must put in the work to continue to keep afloat and survive.