Junk food sponsorships are hitching rides on the back of sporting affiliates and associations and it is these companies that have no disregard the negative impact these products have and fail to see how inappropriate this behaviour really is. Junk food sponsorship is being misrepresented and is encouraging positive interpretation from communities. An example of this would be how they not only sponsor sport but also things like community social events. It is this interpretation having a positive reaction that allows junk food sponsorship and promoters to succeed in their effectiveness. The commercialisation of junk food is more effective when associated with such things as sporting goods, sporting venues, sporting promoters, teams and individual players. Its effectiveness should not undermine its impact, especially on children and young adults with who this type of sponsorship is most directed.
Young people are easily influenced by their surroundings, particularly by the adults around them and the messages that they promote. An example from Swanson ` we know that