Justification for scheme of work
Angie Newton
Planning as a whole is an essential aspect of teaching and is even more effective when it’s a process that is collaborative with your colleagues and pupils, therefore enhancing the effectiveness of your teaching (DCFS, 2011, Mawer, 1995). Schemes of work are a long term planning solution, which identify the learning opportunities across a whole school year (Gower, 2004). The framework is broad, so to go alongside the scheme of work, units of work are devised (Robinson & Smith, 1995). The scheme of work should be a broad balance of sporting opportunities for pupils to experience and participate in different activities.
The scheme of work is for an all-boys school, which focuses on key stage 3 Physical education. As you can see 4 areas of study are covered each year, with in some instances six areas are being covered. The areas that are covered are outwitting opponents, accurate replication, exploring and communicating, problem solving, performing and maximum levels and exercising safely and effectively. This coincides with the aims of the QCDA (2007) that implies that pupils should be involved in a wide range of activities, that work together to develop the whole body (QCDA 2007).
The activities that have been selected are present because it provides a greater experience for pupils, linking to a range of opportunities, which targets varying ability to achieve through a mixture of precise and flexible skills. This enhances the pupils experience because as Thorpe (2010), suggests that all games fit in certain areas for example invasion, net/wall, so therefore generic games can be used to highlight the main tactics for each game, e.g. creating space. Having this tactical approach can increase the pupil’s game knowledge because they have the ability to transfer and address similar tactical problems across a variety of games. . (Physical education resources 2010, Mitchell, S et al
References: Dcsf. (2011). Planning a scheme of work. Available: http://nationalstrategies.standards.dcsf.gov.uk/node/17702. Last accessed 5th April 2011 Gower, C (2004) Planning in PE, In: Capel, S. (2004) Learning to teach physical education in the secondary school, 2nd ed. Abingdon, RoutledgeFalmer Mawer, M. (1995) The effective Teaching of Physical education, Harlow, Pearson Education Limited Robinson, S. and Smith, S. (1995) Part 1: Planning the physical Education Curriculum, Stowmarket, Aspects Publications QCDA. (2007). National curriculum. Available: http://curriculum.qcda.gov.uk/uploads/QCA07-3342-p_PE_KS3_tcm8-. Last accessed 5th April 2011. Thorpe cited in Physical education resources. (2010). Teaching games for understanding. Available: http://physicaleducationresources.com/teachinggamesforunderstandingphysicaleducation.aspx. Last accessed 12th April 2011. Raymond, C (1998). Coordinating Physical Education Across the Primary School Subject Leader 's Handbooks . London: PA Taylor & Francis Routledge. p83-84. Mitchell,S. Oslin, J. L, Griffin (2003). Sports Foundations for elementary physical education: A tactical games approach. United Stated: Human Kinetics. 12-13. Hardy,C. Mawer,M. (1999). learning and teaching in physical education. Great Britain: Biddles ltd. 93-94.