The story of Beowulf's heroic adventure would not have held the same impact without the brilliant use of imagery. For example, the grotesque description from Beowulf about how Grendel would murder him has amazing imagery. "Gendel will carry our bloody flesh to the moors, crunch on our bones and smear torn scraps of our skin on the walls of his den." That excerpt gives an amazing mental picture and a sense of Grendel's ruthlessness. Without the imagery, Grendel wouldn't seem so callous and Beowulf so brave. Another great example of imagery is when Grendel …show more content…
The first way we get to know Beowulf is through his own speech and actions. We learn of Beowulf's amazing heroism while he is speaking to the Danes about Grendel. Even though he foresees his own death, he continued with the attempt to battle Grendel. "Let me live in greatness and courage, or here in this hall welcome by death!" This also further develops the theme: courage and bravery in the face of impending doom. Although Beowulf knew he was going to die, he went on. The second way Beowulf's character is introduced is by the way other characters respond to his actions and words. During the conflict with Unferth and Beowulf, Unferth validates how prideful Beowulf is. "All older and wiser heads warned you not to, but no one could check such pride." The third way Beowulf's character is developed is through the authors description of Beowulf's actions, words, or thoughts. "The victory over Grendel is celebrated with feasting, drinking, and the giving of gifts to Beowulf and his followers." This quote from the poem shows how well respected Beowulf was by Hrothgar's