One’s honor was everything. If you gave your word, you were expected to follow through with it. Beowulf had no trouble with this. He promised Hrothgar in lines 164-165 that he would “purge all evil” from Herot. He remained true to his word throughout the poem. Less honorable men might’ve left as soon as they killed Grendel, but Beowulf stayed and fought until he fulfilled his promise. His honor is what drove the story, what made the poem continue. The story would have been awfully dull and short if Beowulf had changed his mind and backed out. “Beowulf” would not be a classic. No one would want to read it. It would not be a part of school curriculum. It would’ve changed the entire story and its impact on the
One’s honor was everything. If you gave your word, you were expected to follow through with it. Beowulf had no trouble with this. He promised Hrothgar in lines 164-165 that he would “purge all evil” from Herot. He remained true to his word throughout the poem. Less honorable men might’ve left as soon as they killed Grendel, but Beowulf stayed and fought until he fulfilled his promise. His honor is what drove the story, what made the poem continue. The story would have been awfully dull and short if Beowulf had changed his mind and backed out. “Beowulf” would not be a classic. No one would want to read it. It would not be a part of school curriculum. It would’ve changed the entire story and its impact on the