
Juvenile Delinquents and Drug Abuse

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Juvenile Delinquents and Drug Abuse
Does only the juvenile drinking or drugging up suffer, or do others get involved? The answer is, not only do the users suffer, but so do their family, friends, and the community. However, due to the rise of juvenile's becoming involved in substance abuse, the juvenile justice system has resulted in an increased burden. Over the past fifteen years, the fad of drug use among kids has steadily been increasing.
Persistent substance abuse among youth is often accompanied by an array of problems, including academic difficulties, health-related consequences, poor peer relationships, mental health issues, and involvement with the juvenile justice system. There are also significant consequences for family members, the community, and society in general. (NCJRS. Retrieved March 8, 2006)

I agree with this statement very much, and to add to it, I think we should also include the "life cycle." The "life cycle" is where the juvenile acquires the habit, whether through peer pressure or as apart of the cycle through heredity. They then grow up as kids with the habit, and then soon become adults and have kids of their own. Then their kids pick up the habit and the cycle just keeps going from there.
As far as academically, declining grades, absenteeism, increased risk of dropping out, and other academic problems are major effects of juvenile substance abuse. Then when it comes to the issues of health, effects could be accidental injury, physical disabilities, diseases, overdosing. The greatest effect of them all is death, due to suicide, homicide, or murder. As to the consequence of peers and community, these kids are often disengaged from school and community activities, which results into depriving their peers and the community of positive contributions that they have the potential to give to them. Mental effects of substance abuse ranges from things such as depression to withdrawals, psychosocial disorders, suicidal thoughts, and personality disorders. Then there's the

Cited:  American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) and National Institute of Drug Abuse. ©2000. Drugs and Teen Substance Abuse. Retrieved on March 9, 2006.  OJJDP. Updated May 1998. Consequences of Youth Substance Abuse. Retrieved March 3, 2006.  UT Courts. Updated N/A. Risk and Protective Factors for Substance Abuse and Other Youth Problem Behavior. Retrieved on March 5, 2006.  NCJRS. Updated N/A. Juvenile Delinquency and Substance Abuse. Retrieved March 8, 2006.  NCJRS part 2. Updated N/A. Drug Testing in the Juvenile Justice System. Retrieved March 9, 2006.

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