A good relationship is one of the foundation stones for being a good practitioner. Good relationship with parents, adults and colleagues is very important. As it helps in creating a welcoming and pleasant environment in the setting. It helps to develop trust among parents and carers. Also child’s welfare is paramount, thus working with partnership with parents and communicating with them, will help in the overall development of the children. As children learn from their environment, it will make a positive impact on them. At the setting, I always make sure that I develop positive relationship with my colleagues. As this helps to build trust with each other, and as good communication is developed among each other, it also helps in …show more content…
Promoting children's learning and development through the provision of child-chosen activities is a further way of recognising the link between decision making and children's development of self-esteem. These activities give the children opportunities to decide with which activity they will play and how they will play with it. It is important for settings to think through how to offer activities to the full age-range of children attending the setting. • Children's opportunities and abilities to make decisions are further supported by enabling them to choose the equipment and materials with which they play at their chosen activities. For example, setting out the water play activity with a basket trolley where each basket contains a particular type of equipment will provide more choices for the children than placing a random selection of containers in the water tray. This could include the following: A selection of pourers • Containers of differing and related shapes and sizes • A collection of funnels and plastic piping Objects which float and