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P.Kranthi kumar
KANBAN PULL SYSTEM To build only what customers demand when they demand, JIT(Jest In Time) manufacturing needs a scheduling system that can immediately and Cleary communicate the demand of the customers to the delivery system .The Kanban system does this Kanban is a Japanese word meaning card and these cards are the mean of the communication within, to and from a work center .Kanban are the heart of the JIT system. They effectively replace all written work order, move ticket and routing sheet. No parts can move, produced or used without an appropriate Kanban.Part and component are transferred from one work area to another in rigid plastic container. These container are just large enough to hold a small and fixed quantity of units. There are two kinds of Knabans there are production Kanban and withdrawal Kanban. The information written on Kan ban includes reference number, storage area associated work center. The goal is to continually reduce kanban / buffer sizes to lower inventory level, improve quality and reduce lead-time. Information and services as well as products can be pulled. McDonald’s method of keeping burger lanes full during peak periods is a recognizable example of a pull system in a service application.
Kanban system is not an inventory control system. It is a scheduling system that tells us.. * what to produce, * when to produce it, and * how much to produce.
The purpose of the Kan ban system is to signal the need for more parts to ensure that those parts are produced in the time to support subsequent fabrication. This is down by pulling parts though from the final assembling line. Only the final assembly line received a scheduling from the dispatching office and this supplier received production order from the