
Kantian Ethics Vs Utilitarianism

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Kantian Ethics Vs Utilitarianism
The classical theories of morality are Aristotle's perspective called Nicomachean Ethics, the Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals by Immanuel Kant, and the Theory of Utilitarianism morality by John Stuart Mill. These classical theories create the basis of morality and moral argument.
Utilitarianism is an ethical theory regarding the greater good. It rationalizes; the actions a person makes in their life and says they should be directed towards achieving the greatest happiness for the greatest amount of people. An action promoting happiness is right and actions diminishing happiness are wrong. The result of an action becomes the determining factor of whether it is morally good or bad when described in Utilitarianism. This theory
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Utilitarianism tells us that we should do the actions that make the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest amount of people. What if the person making the action is all about what they want or what will make them happiest? Virtue Ethics is seen as an answer because both Kantian Ethics and utilitarianism focus on which actions we ought to do and virtue ethics is about what kind of person we should and can be and how to become that person. A person develops these good deeds simply by practicing. Becoming virtuous is not natural or something we are born with a person develops these good deeds simply by practicing being a good and virtuous person (Scalet, 2014).
I believe a collaboration these theories align with my cultural identity. I learned my morality first off with my parents and learning the way they live. Then I learned through life experiences and added what worked well for me and what did not. Through what my parents taught me as a child and what I have learned in life so far has compiled my

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