
Kantianism Vs Utilitarianism

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Kantianism Vs Utilitarianism
According to the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, ethics is a field in philosophy that involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior [cite]. This right and wrong behavior is commonly referred to as morality, and ethics is the analyzation or study of people’s moral beliefs and behaviors. Morality itself is subjective, as different people and groups can have different beliefs about which behaviors could be considered right and wrong. Ethics, on the other hand, is objective in that it processes these decisions through different sets of rules in order to determine if it is indeed the right or wrong decision, within that framework.
The formal study of ethics has been around for thousands of years,
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If a person is motivated by proper universal principles that treat everyone with respect, they will overcome any selfish instinct and act morally. Utilitarianism claims that the most important result of an action is to to maximize the amount of happiness and minimizing the amount of suffering in the world. If you have satisfied these goals, you have acted morally, even if your actions conflicted with rules. In Contract theory, doing the right thing means following any agreements that the members of a rational society might form. In this way, moral behavior is more about social obligation and less about personal character and principles. Conversely, Virtue ethics states that a person’s character matters above all else. To living an ethical life requires developing and demonstrating the virtues of courage, compassion, temperance and wisdom as well as the avoidance of vices like jealousy, greed and …show more content…
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