gathered up in a group and chatted to one another about it. After that, we shared what we have talked about in our small group. Many have high standards, and goals, and great ideas. I was very happy to see the many participants. One of the ways we decided as a group, to accomplished our goal was to get involved in other students groups and participate in the multicultural festival Roseville school hosted. There were many great ideas on what we can do, such as; group dance, fashion show, poster, Food. I loved all those ideas and was so grateful for those wonderful students I served alongside.
The challenge I faced during those time was, I realized that when trying to accomplish a goal with a group of people is harder than trying to achieve your own personal goal.
Everyone have their own ways of doing things and different opinions on how things should work. Everyone wants to do the different task and do it their own ways. As a leader trying to work things out with each individual was hard for me, I didn’t know how to responds back to everyone and help their needs met. It was hard to collaborate with everyone ideas because I did not want to upset anyone. But I know that it will work out. I put my best and dedication into this club and I have worked so hard to get everyone involved. Working in a group is so much more than just trying to get tasks done, It staying together by helping one another and encourage one another. What I learned from this experience, it taught me to be a better a person and a dedicated leader. I have improved so much on my leadership skills and what it means to work well with others. I learned be preserving of others by listening to their ideas and opinions. I learned to love others and encourage other students. I grow to accept others who are different than me into my life, helping them, and inspire