trait ties into the idea of the 99% and 1%. Bourgeois are the 1% that have power in economics and/or politics. They have the means of production, for example being a factory’s owner. They may have the means but they still need people to do the work, which is where the 99% comes in. Bourgeois has commonly been seen as a potential enemy to the Proletariat. Third characteristic talks about the 99% or the Proletariat.
All that is expected from them is the ability to work. The Proletariat do not have the means of production but need to offer something to be included in the capitalist system. The Proletariat is the group Marx was most concerned about in his manifesto. Fourth characteristic is that urbanization is vital to capitalism. Urbanization destroys the rural life style in favor of cities. Most of a capitalist society’s power is held in major cities, such as New York, London, Paris and Beijing. Fifth trait is making jobs that do not require skills. With the beginning of conveyor belt factory work, it made it easier for unskilled workers to get a job, since no skill is required to do a small part in making a whole product. Examples of this kind of work includes most minimum jobs such as cashier at a grocery store. Making jobs require less skill means more workers can be found and they do not need to be paid as much. Last characteristic is the “power and logic of coercion”, or simply profit. Profit motivates the capitalist society and keeps it running. Making money to buy needed products motivates workers. Getting money increases power and influence of the Bourgeois. The system works when these motivators seem logical to the citizens of the
society. According to Marx, capitalism is contradictory. As much progress it creates, it also comes at a price of destruction. These six characteristics play into that. An example of this contradictory would be, for example, cell phones being easily obtainable, but the people who actually make the cell phone are foreign, underprivileged workers. Marx wanted to propose a way to keep the positive progress but eliminate the destructive aspects of said progress.