Most of all, I want to acknowledge and thank to Allah SWT with my deepest gratitude for the miracles He has performed in my life for the completion of this practical report. I am able to complete this assignment which facilitated the completion on this Industrial training report. This Industrial training report would have not been carried successfully without the cooperation from many parties who contributes in preparing and completing this study.
My sincere thanks and gratitude are extended to my dedicated and understanding advisor Cik Nuradilah bt Abas, the lecturer of Kolej Poly-Tech Mara, Bangi, for her guidance and assistance, understanding and commitment throughout the duration of this work. Her encouragement, understanding suggestion and criticisms were helpful and essential in completing this Practical report.
I am also deeply indebted my supervisor Puan Salmah Hanim Hares, Head Business Development and all staffs at New Straits Times, Bangsar for cooperation in providing materials and information for this practical report. A special word of appreciation goes to all individuals and my friends who involved directly or indirectly in giving useful information and valuable comments for me in completing the practical report.
Not to forget, I am grateful to have very understanding family member who always support my concern about my practical report. Here, I am honored to state my family member and giving me courage. Thank you very much once again for all people have been involved during the completing process in my practical report. The cooperation are kindly appreciative.
Industrial Training module is a main component in the learning curriculum for Polytechnic of the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE). Industrial training is one of the compulsory courses for every Poly-tech Mara, Bangi student under the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) Malaysia. Every student bounds to be involved in industrial training for one