5.1 Strengths
A strength of Karuna Therapies is its highly trained staff, who all have a passion for Holistic Therapies. This is important as Karuna Therapies are a new business and it is essential to have a strong team of people to drive it forward. Holbeche (2015) identified the importance of employees in an organisation to build and maintain an agile business, highlighting that the workforce of Karuna is a strength which can be utilised to help the business to be successful.
Furthermore, another important strength is the location in which the premises of Karuna Therapies is found. Karuna Therapies is located in Ashleywood House in Drumahoe, surrounded by serene and tranquil gardens which are part of Karuna’s servicescape. …show more content…
Although the business is present on social media and has a website, their search engine optimisation is poor and they do not display clearly what holistic therapies are and what the benefits are of the therapies offered. Increasing their digital marketing efforts is becoming more important to promote the business effectively, with consumers spending more time on social media and online (Taiminen and Karjaluoto, 2015).
In addition, Karuna Therapies do not keep a database of their customer’s information which could include contact details, customer profiles and purchase history. Not keeping a database with this information is a weakness of Karuna Therapies as a database is an essential tool to understand customers and communicate effectively with them to shape a marketing strategy to fulfil their needs (Leventhal, 2005).
5.3 Opportunities
An opportunity for Karuna Therapies is taking advantage of the increasing trend in mindfulness, with “18% of all adults have tried meditation/mindfulness techniques in the past, whilst a further 32% would be interested in trying this in the future” (Mintel, 2016). As Karuna exists in offering holistic therapies for the mind, body and soul, they could take advantage of this trend by improving their available treatments to incorporate mindfulness techniques such as