Kate went to school just like everyone else's she worked hard you could even say she worked hard then everyone else. She struggled with math and not feeling smart enough because the information didn't click write away. Her grades began to drop which slowly made her lose confidence in what she knew. Kate tried studying harder yet she was now behind her classmates. Students began teasing her. She got down …show more content…
Using her past stugle wanted to help others durring hard times in there life to know that there is something worth living for and dont let anyone tell you your not good enough. Know was its like for peerpresion to make up your mind but wonts girls and wemon to know that its there choice to be who they want not for what other people wan tof them: Remembers stuggling as a kid with peerpresure. Katie beilive that there arent enough wemon helping girls understand that they get to choice who they want to be and what they do. And no one should tell you what to do and be that its up to you. Katie has worked hard to get to a place in her life of acceptance of who she is and not who others want her to be. She says that no matter what there will be haters out there that want you to fail but there will also be fans who believe in you and those are the people you want to keep around.
Katie has used quite courage in the face of many obstacle and fines it have made her stronger and a better person. Proving she can overcome the pressure of peer pressure. Finding the strength to get past negative comments each day and later on using her struggles to benefit others impacts me and shes everyone that there are people out there willing to listen and