Yanda Zaihifni Ishak*), Julaihi bin Wahid**), Moehammed Nawawiy Loebis***)
Pengamat Perumahan Pusat Pengajian Perumahan, Bangunan, dan Perancangan, USM ***) Staf Pengajar Program Studi Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik USU
Abstract Economic Development strategy of a Nation has significantly influenced the policy on low cost housing supply. Housing supply for the low-income population not solely the problem of developing countries but also unsolve able problem in majority highly industrialized countries as well. There is often the wide gap between demand and supply of housing in urban area let alone low-cost housing. National policy for low cost housing seems superficial which is focused only for political cosmetic, therefore unable to narrow the wide gap between housing supply and demand. The problem of low cost housing is complex and closely knitting to social and political aspect in the particular country while the solution to this problem in a particular place is very unique and cannot be implanted indiscriminately to any other place. Therefore, the specific solution to each place is highly required. This article is put forward as an effort to formulate policy for low cost housing in urban area in Indonesia. Medan as a typical of Indonesia urban areas has been observed as a case study in order to highlight the issue Keywords: Housing policy
1. Strategi Pembangunan Politik/ Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Perumahan
1.1 Strategi Pembangunan Politik dan Ekonomi Skenario strategi pembangunan ekonomi sebagai manifestasi ideologi negara yang dipakai oleh suatu negara telah mempengaruhi pengadaan perumahan. Secara teoretis, pada asas strategi pembangunan politik ekonomi di Indonesia didasarkankan pada ekonomi pasar yang merujuk pada teori modernisasi yang memberi penekanan pada pertumbuhan ekonomi dengan tahapan yang tipikal dan linear seperti jalannya pembangunan ekonomi di negara maju. Strategi ini