Trekking involves more physical work. During trekking we keep climbing, it’s a kind of work out to our body. Since we are doing it for a hours, a large amount of water content from a body will be lost. So it is very necessary to keep our body hydrated while we are on trekking. We should make sure that our body has enough water content or otherwise it will effect our health badly.
When we are climbing up there will be short of oxygen since it is a high altitude region. This affects our breathing, so our body starts to dehydrate. Keeping our body hydrated is a crucial thing why we are on trekking. So we should take utmost care while we are eating or drinking when we are on a trek. There are several things …show more content…
Drink water again after an hour or two. Keep drinking water at regular intervals while on trekking.
Say no to Caffeine drinks.
While you are going for a trekking, don’t consume drinks containing caffeine like coffee or cola or any other carbonated drinks. Drinks with caffeine may lead to dehydration of the body.
Keep body hydrated if the climate is hot
While doing heavy workouts during trekking or if the climate is too hot try to drink one quarter of water within an interval of every 30 minutes. Replacing energy drinks
When you are going for trekking replace a portion of your water intake with energy drinks like electrolyte or any other sports drink. These drinks can help you to keep your body hydrated for a little longer.
Keep drinking water even after trekking
When you return to a camp after trekking, keep drink water to compensate the amount of water you have already lost while you were trekking.
Intake foods with more Sodium and Potassium content
When you are going for trekking, pack foods with more Sodium and Potassium content. Foods with sodium and potassium content helps to keep your body hydrated. You can include foods like Banana, Citrus Fruit and drinks lemonade, orange juice, tomato juice etc.
Frequently check your hydration