One of the lessons that stood out to me was the lesson four “I wish I had known that college is not just for smart people”. In this lesson, Oldfield talks about a struggle he had with his study habits and the generalization of the low income working class. Considering the fact that he was a first generation student and starting off with a negative mind set, Oldfield continued using the old study habits from high school. These study habits led him to not do so well on tests. Nearing the end of the semester, Oldfield got his act together and changed his study habits. His new habits payed off, he started passing tests and got better grades on his report card. Being a first-generation and part of the working class, of course many people did not expect this from Kenneth Oldfield, especially a wealthy relative of one of his friends. This relative had said, “Oh Tom, I just don’t under-stand. If Ken Oldfield can get through college, anyone can.What’s wrong with you?!” about Oldfield after discovering that “Tom” had dropped out of college. It was a surprise to This generalization about the working class still exists today. From the lesson I understand that no matter how well the lower class students do in school, the socioeconomic status reigns over
One of the lessons that stood out to me was the lesson four “I wish I had known that college is not just for smart people”. In this lesson, Oldfield talks about a struggle he had with his study habits and the generalization of the low income working class. Considering the fact that he was a first generation student and starting off with a negative mind set, Oldfield continued using the old study habits from high school. These study habits led him to not do so well on tests. Nearing the end of the semester, Oldfield got his act together and changed his study habits. His new habits payed off, he started passing tests and got better grades on his report card. Being a first-generation and part of the working class, of course many people did not expect this from Kenneth Oldfield, especially a wealthy relative of one of his friends. This relative had said, “Oh Tom, I just don’t under-stand. If Ken Oldfield can get through college, anyone can.What’s wrong with you?!” about Oldfield after discovering that “Tom” had dropped out of college. It was a surprise to This generalization about the working class still exists today. From the lesson I understand that no matter how well the lower class students do in school, the socioeconomic status reigns over