The speech was made to the aboriginals and to the stolen generations. There was forced a politic by the Australian government which is known for assimilation upon the aboriginals. Inhuman actions were inflicted on the aboriginals who involved that the Australian government had full rights to take away half-caste children without the parents accept.
In this speech, Kevin Rudd, the Australian prime minister is giving a painstaking apology to the stolen generations and the aboriginals for their sorrow, pain and loss.
After many years of suffering Rudd brings up this sensitive topic and is giving a speech with functions and effects which makes the intention of the speech reach the audience on a passionate way with strong feelings.
The topic in this speech is was what happen to the aboriginals and to the stolen generations. It is clearly still a very important topic in Australian. We can see in the speech that a lot of people suffered from it: “That is why the parliament is today here assembled: to deal with this unfinished business of the nation...”
Rudd brings this topic up in these circumstances because he wants to do something good for the future. He says that it is time to a new beginning for Australia, all the mistreatment is now a closed chapter: “We reflect in particular on the mistreatment of those who were stolen generations - this blemished chapter in our nation's history.”
The language is formal and emotive. He uses a lot of adjectives to describe the feelings and the situation: “For the pain, suffering and hurt of these stolen generations…”
All Australians will understand his speech because it is not a complex language. The language is influenced by the topic because the topic is relevant for whole Australian, and therefore it has to be understandable for everyone.
The reader is all Australians; all the people, all the citizens, indigenous and non-indigenous: “…all peoples of our great country, for all citizens