They are similar because they allow life to flourish. Grizzlies help provide nutrients for trees, therefore sparking growth and overall health of the tree and beavers essentially create another ecosystem through the formation of wetlands, attracting several new species. This development of new life links these two kinds of species. However, they share a few differences between them. For Example, beavers totally change their ecosystem by wiping out sections of rivers, stopping the flow of them. By changing this part of the ecosystem, they completly impact the water levels on their side of the dam, which can cause extreme cases of flooding. With grizzlies, we do not see this intense change. They do not allow a whole new ecosystem to evolve, as they only control populations and spread nutrients. Beavers and Grizzlies both impact their ecosystems in a unique
They are similar because they allow life to flourish. Grizzlies help provide nutrients for trees, therefore sparking growth and overall health of the tree and beavers essentially create another ecosystem through the formation of wetlands, attracting several new species. This development of new life links these two kinds of species. However, they share a few differences between them. For Example, beavers totally change their ecosystem by wiping out sections of rivers, stopping the flow of them. By changing this part of the ecosystem, they completly impact the water levels on their side of the dam, which can cause extreme cases of flooding. With grizzlies, we do not see this intense change. They do not allow a whole new ecosystem to evolve, as they only control populations and spread nutrients. Beavers and Grizzlies both impact their ecosystems in a unique