1. Describe Khillwar’s customer value proposition and profit model
Khillwar’s customer value proposition is to provide product innovation through game design, engine programming, tool development, and platform porting. Khillwar’s customers are students and employees under the age of thirty who enjoy easily accessible, mobile, unique and fun games. Khillwar will make its games accessible by designing interfaces that are intuitive, easy to download and written in Chinese. Khillwar’s games are designed to be played on a mobile device and the games are fun. Since Khillwar hasn’t previously sold in China the content of its games will be new to Chinese players who desire games that are not made of stereotypical content.
Khillwar’s profit model is to sell the mobile games in one of three ways.
1. Provide trial versions of the gaming software to customers and then charge a subscription fee once the trial expires.
2. Charge a fixed fee for unlimited use of gaming services.
3. Allow a free download of the game, but add options for paid upgrades that enhance gameplay for the customer.
2. What are key risks associated with business expansion into the international market for Indian firms? What are the key opportunities?
Cultural and Linguistic Barriers:
Khillwar is not well known in China, both in language and culture
Chinese don’t want a foreign product
Inexperience of knowing preferences of Chinese customers
It will be difficult to collect data of preferences in China
Inexperience of Khillwar
Possible errors while developing Chinese versions of current games
Social gaming is big in China, but Khillwar isn’t experienced in developing social games in China
Payment Issues and Talent Acquisition
China doesn’t have an efficient or reliable mobile payment platform to pay for games
Difficult to recruit talent in China
Competitor Issues
Other competitors in China are buying up Korean/Japanese games