Teenager’s brains aren’t fully developed yet. Scientists used to think that a human’s brain was fully developed at the age of ten. That’s not the case anymore. Scientists have found that a human brain isn’t fully developed until the age of 25. Most people consider others to be adults at the age 18. How can they be adults if their brain isn’t fully developed yet?
Neuroscience has shown that a person’s cognitive development continues well past the age of 18. Their selfimage, emotional maturity, and judgment will be affected until the prefrontal cortex of the brain has fully developed. Some adolescents might want to stay longer with their families for support while their brain is still developing. It’s important that parents
realize …show more content…
that not everyone’s brain develops at the same pace.
“Several pieces of evidence have proven that the brain circuitry, involved with emotional responses, is still changing during the teen years. Functional Brain Imaging studies shows that the responses of teens to emotional questions and situations are heightened compared to young children and adults.
These changes shape how much different sections of the brain are activated by experience, and in terms of behavior, the urgency and intensity of emotional reactions.” This is what my sources, BBC.com, states.
People will still think that 18 year olds should be considered adults. There also will be 18 year olds that think they are adults, and that they should be treated like adults. Their judgment on certain things might be affected because their brains are not fully developed. If they make a bad, or a wrong, decision it most likely could mess up their life or career path. One of the traditional rites of passage into adulthood is moving out of their parents house. If there are people are wanting to live longer in their parents house for support, then they will feel like they are not following this rite of passage into adulthood. Therefore, a lot of people will consider them not to be an adult.
After doing this research, I have found that 18 is not the age of when someone should be considered an adult. A human brain is not done developing until around the age of 25. If 18
is when people are considered to be an adult, maybe it should be changed to 25 because that is when the brain stops developing. 18 is the age when most seniors graduate from high school, which is a huge achievement, but maybe people should be considered an adult after they graduate college. Being an adult has tough responsibilities that maybe not everyone is ready for