An examination of the illicit drug trade in Morocco
Muslim North Africa
Graham Mattison
Research Paper
The economic disparity between western Morocco’s upper class, urban elites, and eastern Morocco’s lower class, rural poor, has led to an increasingly problematic illicit drug trade over the last half century. Morocco’s schizophrenic personality is one that has been shaped by many internal and external influences. The vast majority of Morocco’s financial wealth is located along the country’s western costal plain. This area also contains the country’s most highly developed, modern, urban centers. In contrast, the mountainous regions of northeastern Morocco are home to some of the country’s poorest, and least developed communities. Morocco, as a whole, is a country at odds with its own identity. In many ways, the present character of Morocco’s identity could be considered the most “modern” of all North African Muslim nations. The Moroccan kingdom’s heavy economic dependence on tourism, mostly from European countries, is due in large part to a deficiency in natural resources, most paramount being that of petroleum and other fossil fuels. Unlike many of its North African neighbors, Morocco is heavily dependent on foreign oil and in turn, foreign aid as well. Due to Morocco’s dependence on foreign tourist dollars to bolster its economy, the Moroccan kingdom has maintained an openly friendly relationship with the western world. Because of this relaxed policy towards the west, Morocco is largely seen as the most tolerant and “western” of all Muslim North African nations. Moroccan tolerance towards western non-Muslims, combined with its embracement of western culture, including many of its excesses in respect to the Moroccan upper class, has created a situation of great inequality between the poor and those far more well to do. The results of this growing economic disparity, like in many other
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