The killer bee makes honey just not as much as it is expected.
The killer Bee will not make as much as the honey bee.
Back in the 50’s a group of brazil scientist were in the lab trying to altar
honey bees in order to get more honey but came out more aggressive and
Known as the “Killer Bee”
Killer bee’s were made to produce more honey but that didn't work out so well.
The scientist wanted the killer bee to mate with the honey bees and make more honey.
Killer bee’s are also known as “Africanized Bee”.Africanized bee ’s got the
name “Killer Bee” because they are very vicious. They are very aggressive
and will attack quickly if felt in danger.Once the bee is ready for …show more content…
The killer bee has four wings.When the killer bee flies it doesn’t fly very
Well.The killer bee can be found in places with shade or not much sunlight.
Killer bee’s eat pollen.The killer bee’s need more pollen than some
Other bee’s to produce more bee.The bee will gather as much honey as
Possible for when it comes time to produce more “KILLER BEE’S”.
The more pollen collected we will most likely get more bee’s to help
The worker bees that collect the honey and do all the work.The more
Bees that we have do a lot for us they help us with lots.For example
When a bee makes honey we can get it and use it.When a bee pollinates
A flower the flower will grow strong.A bee helps out in environment
When it takes the pollen from the flowers.The bees will get as much pollen
As they can hold.The more pollen they hold the more they will produce.
Killer Bees will create their nest in trees,hole in trees,the ground,and holes
in the Ground. A killer bee colony or nest will contain up to 80,000 bees in
The killer bees do not only attack people that get to close to there home
They will attack animals also.If you happen to have to walk by a bee