Department of Kinesiology & Health Promotion
California State Polytechnic University
Winter 2013
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|Instructor | |
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|Contact Info |Email: Office Hours: M/W 12-12:45 pm & T/Th 10-10:45 am |
| |Office: 43:148 (southwest corner) Office Phone: 909-869-2819 |
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|Questions |Before you email your instructor with any questions, first check to see if the answer to your question is found on the Syllabus or |
| |your CPP email. Do NOT rely on a friend or former KIN 370 student to answer your questions. For ALL technical questions or problems, |
| |email or call 869-6776. |
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|Email Info |Check your CPP email on a regular & consistent basis! |
| |Configure your CPP account to forward