A long time ago cheetahs were all cababalests .No cheeta Anywhere had spots.Then a cheeta had ate then turned orange.When the orange cheeta was hunting,he triped and got dirt on himself.He couldn’t get it off so he got spots.A duck walked up to the cheeta and said to the cheeta. bun bun bun\ soundtrack
“got any cheetos???” bun bun bun the cheetah said no and then the duck waddled away waddle waddle till the very next day bun bun bun bump a duck walked up to the cheetah and said to the cheetah “hey bum bum bum got any cheetos” the cheetah said yes and ate the bird bun bun and it waddled in it waddle waddle till the very next day bun bun bun bun the duck stuck in the cheetahs
esophagus said to the cheetah “hey bun bun bump let me out” the cheetah said yes and barfed him out and then the duck waddled away waddle waddle till the very next day bun bun i bump a duck walked up to the cheeto and said to the cheeto “nom nom nom i'm eating you” bunbun bunim and he waddled away waddle waddle P.S. the cheat never died.