King of Shadows by Susan Cooper
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Study Guide
Plot Summary
King of Shadows by Susan Cooper is a tale about a young boy's journey to overcome his devastating past in exchange for a hopeful future. Nat is an orphan who escapes into the world of the theatre to avoid his sadness. Nat is magically transported back to Elizabethan England, where he becomes apprenticed to William Shakespeare, who helps Nat learn to face his emotions and properly grieve his parents.
King of Shadows is a thoughtful tale of discovery set in one of the most exciting times in the history of the theatre. The year is 1999, and the Company of Boys gather in Cambridge, Massachusetts, to rehearse productions of William
Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and A Midsummer Night's Dream. The company's director stresses the importance of the group functioning as a family, and the company spends a lot of time playing theatre games to build trust amongst the group. The Company of Boys will rehearse in the United States for three weeks, and then will travel across the Atlantic to London, England, to perform their plays at the Globe Theatre.
In London, Nat falls suddenly ill during rehearsal, and goes to bed to fight off the sickness, which turns out to be bubonic plague. Nat wakes up the following morning, four hundred years in the past, in 1599. Nat slowly starts to piece everything together and realizes he may have traveled to Elizabethan England. Nat is taken to the Globe Theatre, where he learns he has been borrowed from the St. Paul's School to play the role of Puck in A Midsummer Night's Dream. Nat is introduced to Shakespeare, who is one of his idols, and learns he will be playing opposite Shakespeare in the performance. Nat joins the other apprentices