Marks: 1
Which factor cannot be assessed by the RM during IE?
Choose one answer. a. Determine possible congenital anomalies of fetus Correct Congenital anomalies are not identified on vaginal examination alone.
Internal examination will help to:
• Make a positive diagnosis of labor
• (C) Make positive identification of the presentation
• Determine engagement of presenting part
• Ascertain if bag of waters have ruptured
• Assess for cord prolapse
• (A) Assess progress or delay in labor through cervical dilatation and effacement
B – To determine size of diagonal conjugate, two fingers are introduced vaginally and pressed inward and upward toward the sacral prominence. b. Determine the position of the baby Incorrect c. Determine the size of the pelvis thru the diagonal conjugate Incorrect d. Cervical consistency, dilation and effacement Incorrect
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Question 97
Marks: 1
Which of the following about pseudocyesis is correct?
Choose one answer. a. Pregnancy test positive Correct Pseudocyesis is a condition in which a woman firmly believes herself to be pregnant and develops pregnancy signs including: abdominal enlargement, menstrual distrurbance, subjective sensation of fetal movements, nausea, breast changes, labor pains, abdominal enlargement, positive pregnancy test, in the absence of real pregnancy.
• In pseudocyesis, amenorrhea may be observed
• Abdomen enlarges in pseudocyesis but on further examination, it will reveal that only the abdomen is enlarged, not the uterus b. There may be no perception of fetal movement Incorrect c. An enlarged, soft uterus may be present Incorrect d. Regular menses present Incorrect
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Question 98
Marks: 1
All except one are important landmarks in obstetrics in the assessment of pelvic capacity
Choose one answer. a. Pubic Arch Correct Pubic arch bounds the front of the pelvic outlet of the true pelvis and is examined for its shape, whether broad or angular by spreading the fingers and it should be able to rest comfortable in the angle below the symphysis. It doesn’t however provide assessment for pelvic capacity.
A – Sacral promontory is the pelvic inlet which is an important obstetric landmark in measuring pelvic size
B – Ischial tuberosity is measured later in the pregnancy when the pelvic tissues are softer and more yielding than in newly pregnant condition. The distance between ischialtuberosities is acquired.
C – The ischial spine is palpated vaginally and used to define the descent of the fetus. If prominent, the ischial spines may influence the space available in the pelvis for the passage b. Sacral promontory Incorrect c. Ischial spine Incorrect d. Ischial tuberosity Incorrect
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Question 99
Marks: 1
The 4th maneuver of the Leopold’s maneuver show…
Choose one answer. a. All of these Incorrect b. If the engaged is engaged or not Incorrect c. Where the cephalic prominence is Correct 4th maneuver determines the degree of flexion or extension of the fetal head, which also identifies which part of the head is the presenting part.
• 1st maneuver, the fundal grip, identifies the fetal part that can be palpated at the fundus
• 2nd maneuver, the umbilical grip, locates the back of the fetus
• 3rd maneuver, also called as the Pawlik grip, determines the part of the fetus at the inlet and its mobility.
• 4th maneuver, the pelvic grip, identifies the fetal attitude and degree of fetal flexion into the pelvis and should only be done if fetus is in cephalic presentation.
B – Assessment of engagement is determined in the 3rd maneuvers
C – Before starting the 4th maneuver, you must already know the presentation of the fetus because 4th maneuver is only done in cephalic presentation. Identification of fetal presentation is on the 1st maneuver d. If the presentation is cephalic or breech Incorrect
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Question 100
Marks: 1
At 32 weeks, pregnant primigravida had scanty bleeding with severe pain. The most likely diagnosis is…
Choose one answer. a. abruption placenta Correct Abruptio placenta is the premature separation of placenta that results to dark red bleeding with sharp stabbing pain high in the uterus.
A – Uterine rupture is a complication during labor that is preceded by pathologic retraction ring and strong uterine contraction without cervical dilitation. Usually happens during 2nd stage of labor when uterus undergoes strain more than it is capable of
B – Placenta previa is when the placenta is implanted abnormally in the uterus and causes painless bleeding.
C –Cervical carcinoma is a malignant neoplasm arising from cells the originate from cervix. b. Palcentaprevia Incorrect c. Uterine rupture Incorrect d. cervical carcinoma Incorrect