In accordance to Bennett’s claim, emotions are indispensable as they play an essential role in inspiring thoughts, shaping behaviors and more importantly maneuvering the quest for knowledge. Knowing something, that is to have knowledge, and having emotion towards the knowledge distinguish us from the machines as machines embedded with artificial intelligence -thus having knowledge- posses no emotions towards the knowledge. Only if we feel the force of knowledge - that is having emotional reactions as a result to knowing something - then it belongs to us, since the force (emotional reaction) often occurred in consequence of knowing something. Bennett’s assertion illustrates that emotions and knowledge are related to each other. Hence, presupposing Bennett’s claim to be true, one should ponder on these queries – “How do knowledge and emotion associated to each other?“, “Will Bennett’s claim hold true for all cases?” and “Could knowledge be gained with no emotional attachment to it?” –.
“How do knowledge and emotion associated to each other?“
There are no doubts that arts and emotions are related to each other but the question is how is it connected? There would be no art without emotions. And awareness towards emotions – in other words, comprehending with one’s own emotion - helps to produce great art. However, does knowledge in arts such as composing symphonies empower the piece of art thus capable of evoking a particular emotion or does insight in emotion drive artist to produce powerful art thus providing us with knowledge? To classify as to whether emotion plays a dominant role in the relationship or as to whether knowledge dominates the correlation between knowledge and emotion, let us dive into culture to see whether