Final Report
Unit 5 Project
by Chassidy B.
Kolb Learning Styles
David Kolb’s theory of learning styles is one of the best known and widely applied and it suggest that learning is a cyclic process which involves an individual proceeding through each of the following four stages and will eventually prefer and rely upon one style more than the others. The four styles are: Divergers, Convergers, Accommodators and Assimilators.
Research has shown that these four styles have different names along with the ones mentioned above, they are:
Divergers is also called Reflective observation
Convergers is also called Active experimentation
Accommodators is also called Concrete experience
Assimilators is also called Abstract conceptualization
Let us take a look and see how the knowledge of each one can be applied to the role of being students working individually and as a group.
Divergers/Reflective observation - Divergers like to think before they talk and they research and analyze a situation before giving their own personal opinion. They like to investigate and are able to view situations from many angles which allows them to recognize problems. A lot of times a Diverger would rather sit back, listen and watch, be imaginative and open to experience, being very thoughtful of everyone's ideas.
Convergers/Active experimentation - Convergers think about things, use theories to solve problems and then try out their ideas to see if they work in practice. They like to ask 'how' about a situation, understanding how things work in practice. They like facts and will seek to make things efficient by making small and careful changes and look at alternative ways of doing something. They prefer to work by themselves, thinking carefully and acting independently. They learn through interaction and computer-based learning is more effective with them than other methods.
Accommodators/Concrete experience -