Group 7
1. Executive Summary Korean Air Lines was established with private capital in 1948. Since the company’s deficit had been increased, it changed into a public corporation. Han Jin Corporation, however, took over the control of the company to reduce operational problems such as growth of debts in 1969. At that time, the assets they had were only 514 employees, 1 jet, 7 propeller planes, regular domestic flight route and regular foreign flight route between Korea and Japan. Korea Air Line have grown constantly and become a global airline company. Starting with a route for Bangkok, they have expanded their international routes. They got lowest rank on the quantity of shipment among Asia companies but they became among top 4 air line company in the area of carrying freight. In 2006, They were on the top around worlds in the area of carrying passengers for two consecutive years. In addition, the company has expanded their business area to production of flight, airline food, hotel, service academy and so on. Their assets in 2009 were 126 flights, 13 cities in domestic line, 38 nations and 104 cities in foreign line.
2. Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary 2. Table of Contents 3. Overview of project 3.1 Purpose of Project 3.2 Method for Conducting Case Analysis 4. Discussion of McKinsey 7-S 4.1 Strategy 4.2 Structure 4.3 Systems 4.4 Style 4.5 Shared Values 4.6 Skills 4.7 Staffing 5. Verified Key-Problem-Statements 5.1 Problem : “Structure and system of communication not aligned with share value” 5.2 Problem: “Structure and system of maintenance not aligned with strategy and share value” 5.3 Problem: 6. Recommendations 6.1 Recommendation for 6.2 Recommendation for 6.3 Recommendation for 7. Appendices 7.1