A change agent is a person or group who takes leadership responsibility for changing the existing pattern of behaviour of another person or social system. Change agents make things happen, and part of every manager’s job is to act as a change agent in the work setting. (Champling, poole, Wiesner, Ang, Chan, Tan & Schemerhorn, 2008, p517)
During the 1990s, Singapore facing labour shortage problem due to the decline birthrate and aging workforce, woman at that times stop working permanently after marriage or after giving birth. (Tan, 2007) Government initiated a few schemes and funds to encourage work-life strategies which encouraged working mother to work under flexible working arrangement and incentive given to subsidize the childcare expenditure. This is the workforce trend changed in the whole society, and to overcome the labour shortage issue, the government has to develop new strategies to broaden the workforce trend; employers have to change their employment conditions to attract suitable talent to fill in job vacancy. Thus, work-life balance during this time became a buzz term and all the organizations are changing and working towards the implementation of work-life balance. This is an example of change can take place in whole society and individual organization.
For this assignment purpose, I have chosen the My First Skool (MFS) Childcare Centre as my assignment targeted organization. In Singapore, NTUC provided childcare services to serve needs of growing working population, when few private enterprises would do so. My