As depicted in the Process Flow Diagram below the total time to fill a rush order is 26 minutes. Question 2: How many orders can you fill in a night, assuming you are open four hours each night?
In this process the Step 3 & 4 have the longest processing time of 10 minutes which means this is the bottleneck in the process. We know that the bottleneck determines the maximum output of the process. The bottleneck time is also referred to as the cycle time.
Cycle time = 10 minutes. Therefore you can bake 6 batches cookies an hour 6 batches X 10 minutes = 60 minutes
6 Batches X 4 Hours = 24 trays or 6 dozen cookies can be backed in one night. Note that is if there was no wait time.
26 + 10 (x-1) = 240 minutes
= 22 orders can be taken a night Question 3: How much of your own and your roommates valuable time will it take to fill each order?
My Time Roommate Time
Mix Ingredients = 6 minutes Place cookies in oven = 1 minute
Cookies onto tray = 2 minutes Pack Cookies = 2 minutes Receive Payment = 1 minute
Total Time = 8 minutes Total Time = 4 minutes
Question 4: For Kristen’s Cookies develop a Gantt Chart of the activities and the resources (Kristen, Roommate and Oven). Determine the amount of idle time Kristen and Roommate has for each dozen cookies produced. What is the time for Kristen and Roommate if the orders are for two-dozen cookies (of the same time) or three-dozen?
Mix Ingredients 1 2 3 4 5 6
Spoon out on tray 7 8
Put them in oven 1
Bake 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Cool 1 2 3 4 5
Pack In Box 2 3
Receive Payment