Period 5
1 Oct., 2014
Lab Experiment One: Physical Properties Lab
Analysis: For our first unknown, we observed the color and odor of the substance. The substance was a clumpy, white, crystal-like substance and it smells like new plastic. When we tested the solubility in water it resulted insoluble and in ethanol it resulted soluble. This substance could not be tested for electrical conductivity because the water was insoluble. We then tested for the PH value and it was neutral. The flame test was negative. There was no pigment in the flame.
For our second unknown, the substance color was powdery-white, glittery, and clumpy. The odor was like rubber. When we tested the solubility in water in water it resulted soluble and in ethanol as well. The electrical conductivity was tested weak. The PH value was tested acidic. Just like the first unknown, this substance had a negative flame test. …show more content…
The color and odor tests seem to be more likely to give false data because there were multiple substances with the exact or similar color and odor which confuses my group and me.
Conclusion: Unknown #1 is 260 and I identified it as phenyl salicylate. The solubility of the substance was the last test I used to determine the identity of the unknown.
Unknown #2 is 371 and I identified it as decanoic acid. The solubility of the substance in water was the last test I used to determine the identity of the unknown.
Color Odor Solubility