Purpose: What makes the liquid within a thermometer go up and down?
Hypothesis: If the liquid is placed into objects of different temperatures, then the liquid moves up in the hotter substance and down in the colder substance, because of the change in the molecular energy when the water is hot and when the water is cold.
Test tube, about 20 mL
Isopropyl rubbing alcohol, 91%
Small cup
2 small disposable water bottles (8 oz.) or 2 small beakers
Food coloring
Thin transparent straw (Either cut from a dropper or from a Capri Sun® drink)
Hot water
Ice water
Carefully pour the colored alcohol into the test tube so that the tube is almost completely full.
With the help of a partner, stretch a small piece of parafilm over the top of the test tube so that it is well-sealed. …show more content…
While holding the parafilm tight with one hand and the straw in the other, carefully pierce through the plastic so that the straw goes into the alcohol.
About 3–4 centimeters of straw should stick out of the top of the plastic. This is your thermometer.
Pour ice water into one beaker until it is about ⅔ full.
Ask your teacher to put hot water in another beaker so it is about ⅔ full.
Carefully lower the test tube into the hot water. Watch the straw above the plastic for about 1 minute.
Ask students to predict what will happen when the warm test tube is placed in cold water.
Carefully lower the warm test tube into the cold water. Watch the straw above the plastic for about 1
Observations: pg. 22
Draw a Model of the Thermometer Bottles:
Thermometer In Hot Water
Macro Level
Thermometer In Hot Water
Molecular Level
Thermometer In Cold Water
Macro Level
Thermometer In Cold Water
Molecular Level
What did you notice happening to the liquid within the thermometer when it moved from the hot water to the cold water? Why did this happen?
The liquid sunk because of the change in molecular energy causing the loss of liquid in the straw. The heat molecular energy rises making the liquid rise with it and then the cold molecular energy has a loss of energy making the liquid sink with it. Also, liquid takes up more space when it is hot and less space when it is cold making the liquid have the effect that it is rising or sinking.
Infer: how does a thermometer work? Explain how you know with evidence from this lab.
A thermometer works by the simple logic that liquid takes up more space when it is hot and less space when it is cold. A regular thermometer usually uses mercury because of its properties. Mercury is a metal and all metals are good conductors of heat but the reason that mercury was picked is that it is the only metal that is i liquid form when at room temperature.
Conclusion: The hypothesis: If the liquid is placed into objects of different temperatures, then the liquid moves up in the hotter substance and cold in the colder substance, because of the change in the molecular energy when the water is hot and when the water is cold was supported. This is because the results showed that when put into the hot water the liquid rose and when put into the cold water it sunk and from previous experiments it showed that the heat made molecules move faster and cold made molecules move slower.