For example, parents have children from 4 to 6 years old notice that their children have developmental delay, but they often don’t want to label them as “psychiatric disorder.” For example, some children can write letters from 4 years old, but some children can start from 5 years old. This is the difference of developmental process between children. It shows that every child does not develop at the same rate. This is because of developmental delay, and another cause is mental disorder. The parents participate in speech therapy, social skills classes, behavioral therapy, family therapy and tutoring to help a child to meet the challenges of developmental milestones not to jump to the psychiatric diagnosis. The medication make parents’ feel better, but the children still has a possibility of disorder and not sure that the medication works for children. Seek …show more content…
On the positive side, growing numbers of parents, distressed by emerging research about the side effects of psychotropic medications, are seeking alternatives to psychiatric diagnosis for their children. Parents are beginning to realize that a child having differences in learning style and/or behavior is not the same as having a disease. And many psychiatrists are becoming alarmed as well. Allen Francis, M.D., the lead editor of the current DSM-4, has been outspoken in his concern that the next edition of the DSM will cast its nets too widely to encopass normal childhood behaviors and