Stigma is a negative label that is used in society as a form of discrimination , prejudice and stereotyping against many ethnic groups. This type of negative labeling can change a person or group self concept, social identity, and distinguish them and others from members of society. Also, denouncing a person color, nationality and religion can also destroy their dignity and diminishes their chance to achieve their goals or reaching their full potential in life, which also violates their basic Human Rights. …show more content…
Since the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001. Many Muslims have been affected by religious stigma in the western world. These individuals are labelled as terrorists and they have been complaining about the discrimination and stereotyping they are facing in society, because of their Islamic faith or attires. Muslim individuals also face a lot of prejudice in the workplace and schools and often times are denied jobs because of their ethnicity or their last names which violates their basic human rights privilege ( Lepeska, 2011) Also, Muslim women when traveling on an airplane or applying for any government identification are ask to removed their hi jab which they wear for religious reason, for fear or safety precaution, and on many occasion passengers refused to be seated or board a flight that a Muslim individual is a passenger on,because of the stigma that has been created since the September eleven attack. Members of the Muslim community has also stop visiting the mosque for prayers or religious function because of fear and concern for their safety and families well
being. Police are also using discriminative measure against the Muslim community by visiting the mosque and looking for any signs of criminal activities that can lead to a terrorist attack against society( Palatnik,2012 ) Even though,the incorrect perception about Muslim in the western world and the media have left a negative stigma that associate them with violence from the devastating terrorist attack, many Muslims in society still maintain their innocence against terrorism and their Islam faith. This label that society has placed on the Muslim community has left a stigma that will not go away and as this community continues to struggle to redefine “What it means to be a Muslim in society”. Many individuals continue to imprint and link Muslim religion and their attire to this negative experience.
Secondly, let's take a look at what conformity does to society. Most people are conformist and is easily influenced by the lifestyles of others .We often mimic the behavior of our peers and at times our attitudes depict a negative rather than a positive behavior. A person who might conform into a gang is most likely to become a criminal, new to the community and is seeking the attention of others, lived in a single parent home and need a father figure in his/ her life, or has low self esteem and faces social rejection ( Oak, 2012 ) We might argue that youth are more likely to conform into society, but adult to conform to these types of behavior . Many adults will compete with friends and families and at times feel they have the need to live above their needs which often times allow them to pursue criminal activities which can lead up to a fine or imprisonment.
Thirdly, we all can agree that sanctions violates human rights and trade unfairly. Sanction in society can lead to positive or negative rewards . Adapting and following good principles are ways to inspire and change any negative sanction, we might impose upon our lives. Drinking and driving is a negative sanction that is penalized in society and a person who is found guilty of this action can be fined or given jail time yet, there are people who chose to drink and drive despite of the penalty that is
to them. Many parents accredit their children academic rewards by giving them money or buying them a new car depending upon their achievement, while on the other hand, some parent punishes their children , restrict their freedom ,and limit their usage to cell phone and the internet for academic failure. We can also view positive sanction in a rewarding way for examples; people who show up to work on time will likely to get a promotion in the workplace, women are treated equally as man, and more husbands are allowing their wife to work and help to support the family, even so sanction can be view negative at the same time those who work poorly or don't show up for work will likely to get fired, more husbands are quitting their jobs and becoming stay at home dads, and more men are becoming insecure of their wife success. Though, sanction has a positive or negative binding, it is up to the individual to develop self concept to be a better person and ward off any labeling that can lead to negative sanctions.
Finally, How often do we question the word obedience? Obedience is a compliance with an authority figure and the obeying person has to be in accordance to follow the instruction that is given to them ( McLeod, 2007) . We can all agree that we are deviant and obeying a person of authority, whether they are our parents , police officers, judge, or religious leaders is one of the hardest challenges we face in society. Many people who go against obedience, always carry out illegal activities and these activities can range from violating traffic by-laws to murder. Human behavior can be seen as moral or immoral and even though, they are known to be deferred in the presence of an authority figure, people still defy the law leaving authority figure with no choice but to discipline them.
Obedience can also be a virtue in many traditional cultures.
Most women are taught to respect their husbands, and take care of the home and family while their husband work to support them.
Children on the other hand, are taught to respect their parents and elders and disobeying these rules can lead to disciplinary action that is enforce by their parent to modify their behavior. Animals can be easily trained to obey their owners wishes and prisoner in total institutions are expected to obey and follow ground rules that is given to them by guards that are trained by superior to enforced laws that complies with obedience. Although, obedience may instill morality and values in society, it is our submissive compliance to the law that can change the labeling theory.
In conclusion, although, The Labeling Theory is best used and practice in today's society. Stigmatization , conformity, Sanction and Obedience are four reasons to which the labeling theory has been used in society to discriminate, stereotype, influence , penalize , pose positive or negative actions, disobey and violates any norm or conduct that affiliates with deviance
Deviance is found throughout our society and commonly goes along with not just our social backgrounds, cultures and location, but also with our attitude toward laws, rules and regulations. People are stigmatized because of their ethnicity, color ,and religion and social location discriminate against these norms in society. Though, conformity influence our lifestyles and people are more likely to make bad choices than good , conforming in society can also adapt good principles and inspire any negative behavior compelled by the individual or their peers. Sanction being positive or negative can develop self concept and self awareness to maintain oneself to be a better person in society and although, Obedience is enforced in our daily life from just following traffic lights to the laws set in prison. The Labeling Theory is frequently used in society to influence and discriminate against the minorities in society.